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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Attorney P

Did you think for a second I didn't believe in Marriage Made in Heaven? I've been practicing abstinence for a long time. I only entertain sexual relations with a man I'm married to, engaged to, or discussing marriage with. I love it. It empowers me. If truth be told, it puts me in the driver's seat. Simply, I love God and I. He has saved me more than a million times from harm's way. When I was 2 years old, I survived  massive brain injuries. I fell down from a flight of stairs. My head was split into two. On my 4th birthday, my father presented me with a piano which rewired my brain and accorded me the motor skills to hear, talk, and walk. Initially, I was deaf, mute and paralyzed. I still battle recurring amnesia and deafness. Fortunately, I enjoy writing. It helps me to remember. As a matter of fact, my father was a writer. He encouraged his children to put pen to paper. Most importantly, he taught us to channel our anger constructively as opposed to destructively. It dissipates anger. When I'm upset, I write. I don't talk about it with anyone, except God. He's the Alpha and Omega. Back to heaven!

"Have dinner with me," Attorney P said.

"Dinner? I know what that means. It means sex," I said.

"I meant lunch."

"Lunch? I know what that means. It means eat."

"No! No! No!"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

"What do you want? Would you rather have coffee?"


In 1988, Attorney P and I crossed paths in New York City after lunch hours at a restaurant on Park Avenue. His law practice was opposite the law firm I labored. He was a Yale law school graduate and a former IRS agent. During the day, I attended college full time and worked part time from 2PM until 7PM. Sometimes, I worked overtime to make ends meet. I was shocked when I met him at school a week later. As a matter of fact, I took a course, Federal Income Taxation with him. Following this discovery, I withdrew from his class. I took to my heels and ran. Because I needed this course to graduate, I re-took it in 1989. He was the only professor who taught it in the mornings. He worked full time as a tax attorney and part time as a professor. At the end of the semester, I decided to go out with him. I had everything to gain and nothing to lose.

"I apologize. I've got to attend to this client."

"You don't have to apologize."

:You haven't done anything absolutely nothing wrong."

" I'm busy with my homework."

Needless to say, he wined and dined me. We frequented a restaurant close to our jobs and were present at several Broadway shows. Sometimes, we ordered in. He was extremely busy with preparing taxes for his wealthy clients past midnight. He met them in conference rooms while I stayed in his office. Though, he was an attorney, we never once argued, let alone fought. Respect was the cornerstone of our relationship. He was fond of apologizing over nothing. I learned good values from him. I also taught him a lot. I talked non-stop about the poverty-stricken children in Africa. He listened intently. We also discussed getting married and having children. It was one of the reasons he became interested in me. He had been married three times and didn't have children. I had never been married, but had a son. I gave birth to him at a very young age. To be honest, I had my son when I was 8 years old. Because of my brain injuries, I couldn't grow past 8. I endured intense bullying for not amassing pounds and gaining inches. When I became pregnant, I received stem cells from him. I grew from 4 feet tall to almost 5 feet 5 inches.

Without warning, he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Unfortunately, he passed in 1998. I was devastated, to say the least. I  truly believe he was poisoned. Shortly, I drafted four novels depicting our romance. In 2002, I decided to attend law school in remembrance of him. In 2003, I was accepted at a law school in Massachusetts. Immediately, I transferred my son's transcript to University of Massachusetts. I home schooled and enrolled him at Strayer University when he was 16. The day before my June 21, 2003 birthday, my only child was kidnapped. He never made it out of Maryland. Four months later, my beloved father died of anxiety. For these reasons, I fought passionately for children in 24 federal courts from June 2003 until June 2010. Each time, I asked defense attorneys to donate money to children's organizations, return my son, apologize to me and pay us damages. Not surprisingly, their refusals were adamant. I no longer file suits. In June 2010, I replaced them with songs. In a nutshell, music helped me recover from my massive brain injuries. Initially, I was deaf, mute and paralyzed. It rewired my brain and accorded me the motor skills to hear, talk, and walk.. I haven't given up my dream of having more children. Every day, I pray for a good man. I would like to have twin boys and adopt a girl from an impoverished country. I'm positive my boys would help me advance to the next age. I haven't aged much since I had my son 26 years ago. As a matter of fact, my son has outgrown me. Some people think he's either my brother or husband. I still eat baby food.

It begs the question. Marriage Made in Heaven or Hell? Would our marriage have been made in heaven or hell? Heaven!!! To date, Attorney P's the only man I've ever dated. My son came on all my other dates. Hence, they weren't dates. I needed male role models for him. Jason also tagged along to my graduate studies at California State and National State Universities. Most importantly, Attorney P was my first love. Again, we never once argued, let alone fought. Laughter became the norm. Respect was the cornerstone. Integrity was critical. Hard work was our middle name. Compassion was what the doctor ordered. May his soul rest in heavenly peace!!!

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